Tuesday, December 22, 2009

really fabulous

maggie's birthday was really fabulous -- had to share a quick pic of her magical cake made by a sweet mud lake lady who is very talented. working on a lot of fabulous christmasy things around here ... not time to blog :) maybe later when the children are nestled all snug in their beds. don't worry I will post all the fabulous birthday pics soon!!


Mandy + Aubrey said...

Oh MY GOODNESS!! That is INCREDIBLE! Is this the same genius who made Brooke's awesome birthday cake?? It's amazing. I'm speechless.

jason said...

Did the Mud Lake lady used to be on Cakeboss? That show is my fav by the way. I always wonder if those cakes taste as good as they look. Do they? Happy B-Day Mags.

Jessica said...

Holy Amazing. I now have to make sure that my kids never look at your blog when they're older or I'll have to get something like this for them too!!

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Anonymous said...

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TheSasauian said...

speechless...awesome...look delicious....
