Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Rachy-Poo!!

Today is my sis-in-law's bday.
Happy Brithday Rach! We are soooo lucky to have you in our family! I never imagined that I could love Ben's wife as much as I do. I love that you are so different from us .... in a good way, in fact you are cooler than us, well me anyway :) --- you make me laugh and I love to try to trick you. I ADORE you for loving my brother. He is one of the greatest (though maybe orneriest) guys that I know. Whoever he married was going to have to be fantastic ... you are more than I expected. You are patient and kind and funny and cute as heck and smart and creatively talented. My boys (especially Hyrum) adore you and they always want to go see you. Thanks for being so good and patient with them! (As I'm typing this Rach called me, how random is that). I can't wait to meet that little miss hobbz in a few months, you'll be a fun mama, I hope she has your spunk and personality (and pray she doesn't have Ben's temper ... kidding, kidding). Keep it real my sista!!


The Oswalds said...

I just got it all worked out. I was a little confused when you left us the message saying you were related to Rachel. I wasn't exactly sure how. She is the best!! She's always making someone laugh. We haven't seen you since you bought your house but you mentioned you have boys now?? Lucky You!! :) Isn't life fun with them around? Derek is glad you like the house.

the hawker's said...

hey guys. i just made my blog private, open to readers only, because i felt i should. i need your email address so i can add you to my reader list. either send it to mine, or post on plain jayne photography. thanks!